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Questions & Answers


What is the Customer Asset Protection Company (CAPCO)?

Who is protected?

Who is an Investor under the CAPCO Excess FSCS Surety Bond?

Does the Bond cover institutional customers?

Are any Investors excluded from coverage under the Excess FSCS Surety Bond?

Are any account assets excluded from protection?

If an Investor’s assets are not of a type protected by the FSCS, does the Investor have any account protection?

Can a change in FSCS rules affect coverage under the CAPCO Surety Bond?

How does an Investor with a protected broker subsidiary in the United Kingdom submit a claim to CAPCO?

Is there a deadline for filing claims?


All Bonds issued by CAPCO expired in or prior to February 2009.
Only customers of Lehman Brothers Inc. and Lehman Brothers International (Europe) may be beneficiaries under the Bonds because insolvency proceedings were commenced prior to expiration of the Bonds with regard to only those firms. Coverage provided by the Bonds is described in more detail in this web site.

Q. What is the Customer Asset Protection Company ("CAPCO")?

CAPCO is an insurance company licensed by the state of Vermont. CAPCO provides protection for only institutional and individual clients' securities accounts of Lehman Brothers Inc. and Lehman Brothers International (Europe) over and above that provided, in the UK, by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”) and, in the US, the Securities Investor Protection Act (“SIPA”) which is administered by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (“SIPC”).

The protection offered by the CAPCO Surety Bond is similar to the protection that has previously been available from the domestic United States insurance market, known as Excess SIPC protection.

Q. Who is protected?

The securities broker/dealer referred to as the “Principal” in the CAPCO Excess FSCS Surety Bond issued to that Principal (the “Bond”) may also be referred to as the “Insured” under the Bond. But it is the “Investors” (as clients of the Principal are defined in the Bond) using the Principal, rather than the Principal itself, who are the beneficiaries of CAPCO’s payment obligations under the Bond. Because insolvency proceedings were commenced prior to expiration of the Bonds with regard only to Lehman Brothers Inc. and Lehman Brothers International (Europe), only customers of those firms may be beneficiaries under the Bonds. The coverage of the Bond is described in more detail in the sections below.

Q. Who is an Investor under the CAPCO Excess FSCS Surety Bond?

Under the Bond, a Customer is a client of the Firm who satisfies the definition of "Customer" set forth in section 78lll(2) of the SIPA.

Q. Does the Bond cover institutional customers?

Yes, subject to the terms and conditions generally applicable to Investors.

Q. Are any Investors excluded from coverage under the Excess FSCS Surety Bond?

No, all Investors with Lehman Brothers Inc. and Lehman Brothers International (Europe) are eligible for coverage under the Bond, subject to its terms. However, the protection does not apply to all losses. For example, it does not apply to any loss that arises directly or indirectly through fraudulent, dishonest, or wrongful acts on the part of the Investor, or through any such act to which the Investor has contributed, or any claim which has been rejected by the FSCS or an insolvency practitioner.


Q. Are any account assets excluded from protection?

Yes. Although the FSCS provides coverage for a wide range of products and will also compensate Investors for certain of the Principal’s liabilities (such as negligence) in certain circumstances, the Bond covers only lost cash and securities.


Q. Can a change in FSCS rules affect coverage under the CAPCO Surety Bond?

Yes. If any rules affecting the payment of compensation by the FSCS are altered so as to affect the protection afforded by the Bond, CAPCO has the option of accepting the alterations, renegotiating the Bond with the Principal, or cancelling the Bond upon 90 days’ notice to the Principal. See for information regarding the FSCS.


Q. How does an Investor with a protected broker subsidiary in the United Kingdom submit a claim to CAPCO?

The Investor should follow the claims submission procedures specified in CAPCO's Surety Bond Claim Form, a copy of which is provided on the CAPCO website


Q. Is there a deadline for filing claims?

Claims under the Bond may be submitted as late as six months after the date upon which the final dividend/ distribution of all the Principal’s assets has been declared by the Practitioner.


NOTE: Nothing contained in this document is to be read as a representation, term or warranty by CAPCO. This document is intended to provide a broad overview for investors and is not intended to bind CAPCO in any way. For full terms of coverage, you are referred to the wording of the Bond a copy of which is available on CAPCO’s website:

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